Corporate Social Responsability
An Exemplary and Responsible Approach
The Barrière Spirit champions a development model that respects humanity, the environment and local economies. Helping to create the world of the future and taking on a corporate social responsibility approach are at the heart of our concerns. Our 360° ethical approach unites the social, economic and environmental dimensions around 5 themes: Governance & Dialogue, Customer Relations, Responsible Employer, Environment, and Local Development. Barrière has chosen the ISO 26000 Social Responsibility Guidance standard to spearhead its approach, and its ambitious objectives go beyond sustainable development, by placing men and women at the heart of the thought process and its corporate actions.
A key player in the world of sustainable and responsible tourism, Barrière’s commitment to protecting the environment is based on the following 6 approaches:
Reducing energy consumption
Guaranteeing healthy establishments and improving sustainable construction
Preserving biodiversity
Promoting a circular economy
Reducing, re-using, and recycling our waste
Encouraging responsible eating by developing menus that are “Good for the Climate”, using local produce
Planète Barrière
Committed to the Environment
To preserve the future of humanity, it is essential that we take care of our environment; not only is it a source of food and drinking water, it is also our source of air and oxygen. Our atmospheric waste exacerbates the natural greenhouse effect, which contributes to global warming. By preventing climate change, we can protect the earth’s fragility, and therefore the future of humanity.
Green Globe
The Green Globe international sustainable development standard covers areas ranging from sustainable development management to support for local industries and environmental protection. This program is based on 40 themes, broken down into more than 300 criteria. This certification is obtained after evaluating the sustainable development performance of companies in the travel and tourism sector as well as their supply chains. An award that testifies to the strong involvement of Les Neiges and its employees in the protection and preservation of the environment.
Environmental Awareness
Taking care of the planet is everyone’s responsibility, and change can only happen if Barrière’s team members are committed and involved. The new strategy was co-designed and incorporated by all of the Group’s business sectors, thanks particularly to dedicated committee groups. Employees are trained in best company practices, particularly in the fight against food waste, and waste management.
Corporate Social Responsibility
Les Neiges provides its team members with a unique working environment where excellence reigns. It is a diverse environment filled with different professions and opportunities to learn, where each individual can build their own career path. An environment where the men and women who work there make all the difference, where their talents are essential to the success of Les Neiges. To ensure a positive workplace experience, the hotel is committed to being a Responsible Employer.