Bar le Normandy à l'Hôtel le Normandy à Deauville

Le bar du Normandy

Soak up the intimate atmosphere of an English-style club at Le Normandy. Surrounded by mahogany woodwork and portraits of some very famous faces, dip into an exquisite selection of creative cocktails and premium whiskies. A special place in which to savor the moment, where each glass has its v ... ery own story to tell.

Vue sur le bar du bar le Normandy à Deauville

Le Bar at Le Normandy: an elegant English-style club in Deauville

Soak up the intimate atmosphere of an English-style club at Le Normandy. An iconic setting in which to indulge in an exquisite selection of cocktails and whiskies.

Cocktail au Bar du Normandy à Deauville

The Menu

Sample a superb menu of premium whiskies and creative cocktails, from Calvados-laced concoctions to fresh twists on classic spritzers to be enjoyed in moderation. Aged rums, fruit nectars, special teas and rare coffees await at the "Gourmet Afternoons”: perfect for refined tea-time experiences with homemade pastries.

Bar le Normandy à l'Hôtel le Normandy à Deauville


Follow in the footsteps of former regulars Winston Churchill, Coco Chanel, and Claude Lelouch. Sit in the gallery opposite portraits of famous guests. Slip onto one of the stools at the stunning mahogany bar. The Bar at Le Normandy offers a variety of spaces for a wholly intimate, warm and welcoming experience.

Opening hours

Open every day from 11:00am to midnight and until 1:00am on Fridays and Saturdays as well as Parisian school vacations and public holidays.

Food served every day from noon to 6:00pm, snacks to share available from 6:00pm to 10:00pm.

Le Bar du Normandy

38 rue Jean Mermoz
14800 Deauville

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  • Prêt de vélo à L'Hôtel Le Normandy à Deauville
  • Entrée majestueuse de l'Hôtel Le Normandy à Deauville
  • Chambre vue sur la cour intérieure de l'Hôtel Le Normandy Deauville, Barrière
  • La plage et les parasols de Deauville, Barrière